For social shakers and makers

Evidence based decision is the key

We help organizations to make an impact by providing backbone support in their decision-making process

Together we work, learn, and generate evidence to strengthen systems to bring the change we desire to see.

About Berd

BERD Consulting is an organization founded in 2023 to support the social and economic development of Tanzania and other African countries through the development of national capacities and political will for evidence-based decisions in development programming.

Our Services


Monitoring, evaluation and learning and promoting evidence-based decision making


Project design, management and reporting of both new and existing activities as necessary


Strategic planning, stakeholder engagement using participatory methodologies


Knowledge management including data collection, analysis, packaging and dissemination


Research & assessments including baseline studies, appraisals, reviews & impact assessments


Organizational management and capacity assessments and human resource development


Capacity development including knowledge sharing, collaboration, learning and adaptation


Capacity development including knowledge sharing, collaboration, learning and adaptation

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